If you’re interested in driving trucks for a living you may wonder what the difference is between attending a CDL training school versus company training. There are pros and cons to both options. Many drivers consider going to CDL driving school which can offer many benefits to the future driver.
We’ve put together the benefits of each and what you can expect during your training.
The Benefits of CDL Training School
Financial Assistance
Many schools – including Diesel Driving Academy – offer a variety of financial assistance programs to help lessen the financial burden of training on the future truck driver. Payment schedules may allow people to pay back their tuition over longer periods of time if they qualify. We have dedicated financial advisors who can help students find the best ways to reduce the costs of tuition.
Military Veterans Assistance Programs
Many trucking schools can provide more tuition assistance plans for veterans or to those who are actively serving in any active branch of the military. At DDA, this offer is also often extended to spouses of military veterans through active duty and veterans programs.
Job Placement
Rather than being tied to a specific company whose school you graduated from, Diesel Driving Academy provides job placement assistance that allows you to go work for any trucking company, national or local. You may even have several pre-hires offers of employment before your training ends!
Program Variety
At Diesel Driving Academy, we offer several different CDL training programs to meet individual needs. These classes range include full-time classes, night classes, or even weekend classes. Whether you have little (or no!) experience, or if you are looking to restart your career, we’ve got programs that fit your needs. We have staff dedicated to finding the program that will help you reach your career goals as quickly as possible.
The Pros of Company Training
– Convenient training using the same trucks and equipment you’ll use on the job. You’ll also be familiar with the terms and standards used by that company.
– Can be cheaper than going to a private facility for CDL training. Some trucking companies offer free training or interest-free loans that you’ll pay back to then with payroll deductions. Keep in mind, you may be required to work for the company for up to 3 years in order to have the full costs of tuition reimbursed to you.
– Qualified graduates who pass the program will have a job waiting for them at the end of training.
The freedom of enrolling at a CDL school like Diesel Driving Academy gives you access to the training program that fits your needs the best. You’ll be able to utilize financial assistance programs to cover some (or all) of your tuition. And, you’ll be able to choose a company to work for after you are done with school. Plus, you’ll have lifetime job placement assistance when you’re looking for a change of scenery or want to restart your career.