DDA celebrates over 50 years in Class A CDL Training
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Should I Go to Trucking School?

You’ve made the big decision: you want to get your CDL and pursue a career as a truck driver. That’s great! But, now you might be asking yourself, should I go to trucking school? Many people think obtaining a CDL is as easy as jumping in a truck a few times, learning the basics and you’re off to get your license. If only it were that simple.

Learning how to drive and learning how to drive safely and successfully is a big difference. At Diesel Driving Academy, we pride ourselves on having a vast knowledge of what it takes to train drivers to become successful in their trucking careers. So, you can keep asking yourself that same question, should I go to trucking school? Or, you can read on to see why you should go to trucking school at DDA.

DDA Instructors

Our instructors have a genuine care and compassion for the students that they are training. They want you to succeed and they want to see the pride on your face when you do so. Each CDL course we offer is designed for your success. We will ensure that you walk away with the knowledge, skills, experience, and confidence needed to pass your CDL exam. From your pre-trip inspection to your driving test to maneuvers, you’ll learn everything from instructors with real-world experience.

Job Placement

At Diesel Driving Academy, we also assist in job placement once you have passed the CDL exam. We have ongoing employment partnerships with many different trucking companies, so you are not on your own once you have passed your test. We want to make sure you are able to put your skills to use and make a long and rewarding career out of all of your hard work.

Financial Aid

At this point you may be thinking, this all sounds grand, but how will I ever be able to afford the instruction you are offering? That is where our financial aid and tuition payback programs come in to play. We want to make sure that everyone has a chance to make a career in this growing industry. We try to ensure that everyone is able to get the training they need with little to no out of pocket costs to them.

So what’s holding you back from making the call today? The possibilities are endless! Call us right now! 1-800-551-8900
