image of interstate highway bridges with the text 'how otr can be the quick route to driving local'

Want to Drive Local? Why Going OTR May Get You There Quicker

If you’re thinking about a career as a truck driver, but want to be home every night, the fastest way to get in the driver’s seat and gain the experience you’ll need to land a local driving job is to start as an over-the-road (OTR) driver. Most local companies require a minimum of two years driving experience and they do not provide further training, which driving school graduates must have.

The Road to Experience is OTR Driving

Major OTR carriers are the opposite, their businesses depend on hiring driving school graduates. They provide extended training to get drivers ready for their own truck. This is the best way to gain the experience you need.

Signing on with an OTR carrier right out of driving school has a lot of benefits. Some companies offer sign-on bonuses, others may reimburse your driving school tuition if you fulfill your contract. Deciding to go OTR means you probably won’t have to look very hard for a job either, recruiters will be searching for you. Find a truck driving school that has good relationships with the major carriers.

Regional, Dedicated, and Local Positions

Many large trucking companies have regional and dedicated routes that allow drivers to be home every weekend, or even more often, but these jobs go to proven employees. Local delivery and pickup positions are also common at the big carriers, as well as yard drivers who work at the terminal moving trailers, mostly in and out of docks, with tractors designed for that task.

If you want a local driving job remember that local companies typically do not put a premium on driver comfort. They tend to have older and outdated equipment, but OTR carriers pride themselves on running modern fleets with all the features of a luxury car.

Start your career with a truck driving school that works with major carriers to get you the experience you need. Call Diesel Driving Academy and get enrolling in our next class, today! 1-800-551-8900