Diesel Driving Academy

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advantages of being a professional truck driver


A career as a commercial truck driver offers many advantages, including a higher than average starting salary, good benefits and the chance for advancement and stability.

However, beyond the financial benefits of a career as a commercial truck driver, there are other advantages that make this a desirable career choice for many jobseekers.

1) Be your own boss – sort of. Okay, so commercial truck drivers have bosses, but they don’t work in an office cubicle with a boss looking directly over their shoulder. Commercial truck carrier track the status of shipments, so drivers are held accountable for their work, but they are not working in a traditional work environment where many people complain about an over baring boss.

2) A truck driver can personalize their experience in many more ways than they could several years ago. Many commercial trucks are outfitted with the ability for add-ons, whether it be a min-fridge, gaming system or entertainment center. Truck drivers can personalize their truck to make it feel like a home away from home. Even those who like to travel miss being away from the comforts of home. In today’s commercial truck work, drivers don’t feel nearly as separated from their home turf than then once did.

3) The work of a commercial truck driver can be freeing. Drivers don’t have to stare at a computer screen all day, straining their eyes. A commercial truck driver is able to look out over the open road and the landscape they are passing, whether it be mountains, the prairie or the desert.

4) Truck drivers can feel a since of accomplishment as they serve an important function in America’s economy. The majority of items shipped in the country are shipped via a commercial truck. Truck drivers are helping to move America’s economy forward and they play a much more critical role than the rest of the nation often realizes.

The advantages to becoming a professional truck driver are many and they go beyond just the good pay and benefits that the industry has become known for. However, this job does require training and those with professional training are often at an advantage when seeking employment with some of the nation’s top truck carriers.

The Diesel Driving Academy offers a CDL training program that is helping job seekers start a long-term career as a professional commercial truck driver, which is especially needed in today’s era of high unemployment. Carriers all across the country are experiencing a shortage of qualified drivers, which makes professional training from a respected school like the Diesel Driving Academy the logical first step in getting work in this growing industry.

With the right training, jobs can be found as a commercial truck driver


Starting a new career can be challenging. Sometimes it requires years of costly training but the commercial truck industry is looking for drivers now, and quality training can be completed in a matter of months.

The commercial truck industry offers a long-term career that offer a starting salary that is higher than the national average. Jobseekers can enter this growing career field in a matter of months with the right professional training from Diesel Driving Academy.

The Department of Labor reports that the economy has added on average just 139,000 jobs a month since the beginning of the year, which remains below 2011’s average of 153,000. However, the commercial trucking industry has added jobs every month this year and has added close to 60,000 new drivers since the beginning of the year. More than 125,000 professional commercial truck drivers have been hired since 2010 and another half a million are expected to be needed over the next decade.

If you are one of the millions of Americans looking for work – or have given up looking for work – the commercial truck driver industry may be a great option. Carriers all across the country are desperately looking for more commercial truck drivers, but they especially need those drivers with professional training and those that have completed a respected driver’s training program, like the one at Diesel Driving Academy.

Many applicants that have completed a professional CDL training program are finding that they are at the front of the line for some of the best truck driving jobs available.

Drivers that enter the trucking industry without professional training often don’t last long. They can quickly become overwhelmed and are unable to meet the daily challenges that a truck driver faces. However, those with training from Diesel Driving Academy are fully prepared to meet those challenges and are given the skills necessary to find long-term and satisfying employment as a commercial truck driver.

Drivers with professional training are also more likely to be paid higher salaries as companies are willing to pay good money for a truck driver they believe will be a long-term employee.

If you are considering a job as a professional truck driver don’t make the mistake of attending some fly-by-night program or jumping into the field without the right skills and experience. Investing in a professional training program like Diesel Driving Academy offers will definitely payoff.

As the economy continues to grow, demand for truck shipping increases and manufacturing output rises, which also means the demand for professionally trained commercial truck drivers will remain high, making now the perfect time to start a new career as a truck driver. Diesel Driving Academy is the best place to launch that new career and take advantage of the growth taking place in the trucking industry.

Job growth found in trucking sector


Unemployment rates have been better over the past few months, but millions of Americans remain out of work. However, many of those who have been able to find a stable job in the past few months have turned to the commercial truck industry.

The commercial truck industry has long been one of the nation’s fastest growing job sectors and that growth continues as carriers seek out professionally trained drivers that can help them keep up with growing demand. Thousands of new drivers have been hired over the past several months and that trend is expected to continue as demand remains high for commercial truck services.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that over 30,000 jobs have been added in the commercial truck industry over the past two months, which has played a major role in the overall decrease of national unemployment rates. Commercial truck carriers have been desperate to keep up with growing demand and they are looking for professionally trained drivers from respected CDL training programs like Diesel Driving Academy, where students are receiving the type of training and experience commercial truck carriers are desperate to find. Carriers have more available jobs than drivers to fill them, making now the perfect time to start a new career as a professional truck driver.

Despite some improvement, overall unemployment rates remain well above pre-recession levels and there is still a lot of work that remains to be done before millions of Americans can find gainful employment. However, the commercial truck industry is adding to job growth and is one of the nation’s fastest growing labor markets. Truck drivers enjoy a position in a growing industry, flexibility of schedules, working in a unique environment and enjoy starting pay that is higher than the national average. Drivers with professional training are also finding that a career as a commercial truck driver is stable and offers chances for advancement down the road to the position of recruiter or manager.

If you are looking for work or a change in careers, then the commercial truck industry might be the right fit for you. Truck carriers have more jobs than they do drivers to fill them and those with professional CDL training from a respect program like Diesel Driving Academy are finding many employment options when they complete the program.

Diesel Driving Academy is creating the next generation of commercial truck drivers and students are finding a new career as a professional truck driver in an industry that shows no signs of slowing down. As millions of Americans continue to look for work and economist search for answers to high unemployment, the commercial truck industry is doing its part to put Americans back to work in an industry that is vital to the national economy.

Cargo shipments increase across North America, push truck sector forward


America’s commercial truck industry is exploding with growth as manufacturing output in North America begins to show its first real signs of growth since the 2008 recession.
The trucking sector has been growing for the past few years, but recent improvements in the economy are helping the industry continue to build momentum and it has truck carriers looking for thousands of more drivers to help meet growing demand.

The commercial truck industry is the primary form of shipping for the majority of America’s goods and services. As the national economy begins to grow and consumers spend more money, it also means more cargo is being shipped into the United States from Canada and Mexico. Commercial truck cargo coming into the United States from Mexico and Canada reached a five-year high in 2011 and that growth is expected to show similar growth in 2012.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 10.4 million trucks entered the country from Canada and Mexico in 2011. That was the highest level since 2006 and goods shipped via commercial trucks totaled more than $1.06 trillion. It was also a 15 percent increased from the previous year and 44 percent higher than 2009. Manufactures in Mexico and Canada are shipping more cargo into the United States as consumer spending continues to rise.

The commercial trucking data was released as part of the eighth annual update of the North American Transportation Statistics online database.

Among the various modes of transportation between the United States and its neighbors, commercial trucks had the largest increase in shipment value at $69 billion, from 2010 to 2011.

Increased shipping across America’s borders is a great example of the overall growth currently underway in the commercial truck industry. The demand for commercial truck drivers has increased over the past few years and it has made driving a truck one of the fastest growing professions in the nation. Drivers are needed for international and domestic routes, especially those drivers with CDL training.

At Diesel Driving Academy, students are being prepared for a bright and long-term career as a professional truck driver. The demand for drivers is high, but the majority of carriers are looking for drivers with experience and professional CDL training, and Diesel Driving Academy is helping to create the next generation of American truck drivers.

As the economy continues to grow, cargo from America’s neighbors increases and manufacturing output rises, the demand for professionally trained commercial truck drivers will remain high, making now the perfect time to start a new career as a truck driver. Diesel Driving Academy is the best place to launch that new career and take advantage of the growth taking place in the trucking industry.

Future continues to look bright for commercial trucking sector


The manufacturing sector is closely tied to the commercial trucking industry and as more products are made in America that means even more cargo for trucks to ship.

Even while the nation’s manufacturing sector was struggling during the economic decline of the past few years, the commercial truck industry was experiencing growth. However, as manufacturing output begins to pick up, America’s trucking sector is seeing a rise in orders.

Manufacturing output is expected to grow over the next year, according to the September Manufacturing Survey, which was recently released by the Federal Reserve Bank, Manufacturing growth is expected to show an increase before the end of the year, according to the survey. As manufacturing grows, so does the commercial trucking sector, which ships over 70 percent of domestically produced cargo. The commercial truck sector has already been experiencing rapid growth and the demand for professionally trained drivers is high, but as manufacturing begins to rebound from the recent recession, that will mean even more business for commercial trucks and will grow the demand for professionally trained truck drivers.

Chad Wilkerson, vice president and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, which released the report, said the survey revealed some increases in manufacturing activity and that producers’ expectations for future activity remained positive.

“Factories reported only minimal overall growth in our region in September, and both production and new orders fell slightly,” Wilkerson said. “But firms anticipate growth to pick up later this year and on into next year.”

Now might be the perfect time for jobseekers to consider a career as a commercial truck driver, especially as the industry is poised for even more growth as manufacturing output increases. Improvements in manufacturing are a good sign for the commercial trucking industry, which has a direct connection to the manufacturing industry. Over 70 percent of American-made products are shipped via commercial trucks and as manufacturing output grows, so will the demand for commercial truck services.

The commercial truck industry has already been experiencing rapid growth over the past few years, even while other industries – including manufacturing – continued to struggle. However, signs that manufacturing is beginning to make a comeback following the 2008 recession mean the demand on commercial trucks will only get bigger. That also means the demand for commercial truck drivers will continue to grow as carriers attempt to put more trucks on the road.

The demand for professionally trained commercial truck drivers is reaching an all-time high, which is why students of the Diesel Driving Academy’s CDL training program are in such high demand.

If you are looking for a new career then consider completing the CDL training program at the Diesel Driving Academy. Students who complete the program in a matter of months often find multiple job offers waiting for them and put in the best possible position to enjoy a long-term career as a professional commercial truck driver.

While devastating, Hurricane Sandy brings boost to trucking sector


Some of the nation’s busiest commercial truck routes are located in the northeast, so when Hurricane Sandy hit that region in October, it had a major economic impact to the trucking sector. However, the storm was also an example of how resilient the commercial trucking sector is and the important role it plays in helping America recover from natural disasters.

Initial estimates were that the storm caused as much as $50 billion of damage, but some economists say the commercial trucking sector may actually see a boost in business in the aftermath of the storm.

Bob Costello, chief economist at the American Trucking Associations, said Hurricane Sandy would have a negative impact on the economy, including for trucks, which have been experiencing rapid growth in recent years.

Costello also said fleets are expected to see an increase in activity in the coming weeks and months during the cleanup and rebuilding phases, according to a Truckinginfo.com article. “Dry van carriers will likely see a boost in freight from retailers replenishing store shelves that were depleted in the days before the hurricane,” the article said. “But of course these fleets saw a lull in freight in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast during the last few days (after the storm).”

FTR Senior Consultant Noel Perry said the estimated loss on the commercial trucking industry in the northwest was $140 million per day, both those losses will ultimately be recouped because of associated resupply and rebuilding truck freight demands. The estimate is that 20 percent of the commercial trucking industry was stalled in the week after the storm.

The storm was devastating for millions of Americans, but it is another example of how resilient the commercial trucking industry is and why it is an employment sector that continues to grow as the demand for professionally trained drivers increases.

New Trucking Technology Advances Industry


Image of person looking at engine hologram and trucking technology in front of 18 wheeler in body shop

How the growing field is embracing these changes

Updated March 23, 2023

Many industries utilize technology as a way to grow business efficiency. The commercial truck industry is no different. Everything from driver devices and regulator logs utilizes the latest trucking technology advancements. Keep reading to see how every role is incorporating this new technology into their roles.

How Truck Drivers Use Technology Every Day

Commercial truck drivers have increased their use of mobile devices for both navigation and social media. As drivers are often away from home for long periods of time, it’s important to stay in contact with family and friends. Luckily, smartphones have made this possible. To stay connected, they use apps such as FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and WhatsApp. GPS navigation is a breeze with apps such as TruckerPath and Waze. These allow drivers to see what roads are accessible to them, and find rest stops for breaks.

Trucking Technology that Benefits All Parties

Fleet tracking systems have been developed to help trucks move quicker through checkpoints and expedite movement with paperless driver logs. A bigger development in this area is telematics, which helps companies and drivers track specific data points more accurately.

This trucking technology is being used to help reduce fuel consumption, along with location, speed, mileage, and more. Having this knowledge allows companies to give more accurate data to their customers, improve overall operations and efficiency, and save money in the long run.

Technology that Helps Build Trucks

Over the next few years, we are likely to see the implementation of more fuel-efficient and electric trucks. The Kenworth T680 Next Generation model is hoping to be 7% more fuel efficient, offering more miles to the gallon. Experts are currently conducting tests to see if electric vehicles (EVs) boast the same efficiency and towing capabilities as diesel trucks.

DDA Teaches About This and More In CDL Training

The new trucking technology is just another example of the advancements underway in the growing commercial truck industry, which is experiencing a high demand for professionally trained truck drivers.

Diesel Driving Academy
is helping to create the next generation of American truck drivers and has become one of the most respected truck driver training programs in the country.

Truck industry putting Americans back to work, driving economy


When times are tough – like they were in the years following the 2008 recession – the commercial truck industry keeps moving. And when times are good – like they have been for many sectors in the past few months – the commercial truck industry is poised to explode with even more growth.

For the past several years, the commercial truck industry has been growing and the demand for drivers has grown with it. However, even more drivers will be needed in the coming years as some estimates say that another 500,000 commercial truck drivers with professional training will be needed over the next decade.

Commercial trucks play an important role in America’s economy. Unlike airplanes and trains, commercial trucks are flexible enough to take shipments to almost every corner of the country, which is why trucking has been one of the most in-demand industries, which means the demand for professionally trained truck drivers is also high across the country.

The commercial truck industry has been seeing rapid growth for the past few years and the future looks even brighter. Even before the economy began to show signs of improvement, the commercial trucking industry was already growing. Now that sectors like manufacturing and construction are starting to slowly grow, the truck industry is experiencing even more growth. The growth in the commercial trucking industry is causing truck carriers to hire thousands of new drivers every month, but it is professionally trained drivers who are in the highest demand by carriers desperate to find more drivers. As regulations increase and safety becomes even more important, carriers want drivers with relevant training and experience, including those from schools like Diesel Driving Academy.

Diesel Driving Academy offers a CDL training program that is helping job seekers start a long-term career as a professional commercial truck driver, which is especially needed in today’s era of high unemployment. Carriers all across the country are experiencing a shortage of qualified drivers, which makes professional training from a respected school like Diesel Driving Academy the logical first step in getting work in this growing industry.

Truck carriers are looking for drivers who can help them meet the growing demands of the industry. They are looking for professionally trained driver they can trust. Driving a commercial truck is not an easy job and it’s not for everyone, but this profession can be the perfect fit for a jobseeker looking for a stable career in a growing industry.

If you are looking for a new job then the commercial truck industry might be the right fit for you and Diesel Driving Academy is the place to start that new career. A new career as a commercial truck driver could be just a few months away.

Work can be found in trucking industry


It’s not easy looking for a job in today’s America, especially if you are looking to enter a new career field. Most industries today require specific training and many employers say they actually do have jobs to fill, but not enough qualified applicants.

However, if you one of the millions of Americans looking for work today then you should know that there is one industry where training for just a few months can lead to a stable career in a growing field, where starting pay is higher than the national average and demand continues to grow.

The commercial truck industry offers a chance for long-term employment and job seekers can enter this growing career field in a matter of months with the right professional training from Diesel Driving Academy’s CDL training program.

The Department of Labor reports that the economy has added on average just 139,000 jobs a month since the beginning of the year, which remains below 2011’s average of 153,000. However, the commercial trucking industry has added jobs every month this year and has added close to 60,000 new drivers since the beginning of the year. More than 125,000 professional commercial truck drivers have been hired since 2010 and another half a million are expected to be needed over the next decade.

If you are one of the millions of Americans looking for work – or have given up looking for work – the commercial truck driver industry may be a great option. Carriers all across the country are desperately looking for more commercial truck drivers, but they especially need those drivers with professional training and those that have completed a respected driver’s training program, like the one at Diesel Driving Academy.

Many applicants that have completed a professional CDL training program are finding that they are at the front of the line for some of the best truck driving jobs available.
Drivers that enter the trucking industry without professional training don’t last long. They can quickly become overwhelmed and are unable to meet the daily challenges that a truck driver faces. However, those with training from Diesel Driving Academy are fully prepared to meet those challenges and are given the skills necessary to find long-term and satisfying employment as a commercial truck driver.

Drivers with professional training are also more likely to be paid higher salaries as companies are willing to pay good money for a truck driver they believe will be a long-term employee.

If you are considering a job as a professional truck driver don’t make the mistake of attending some fly-by-night program or jumping into the field without the right skills and experience. Investing in a professional training program like Diesel Driving Academy offers will definitely payoff.

Despite tough times, trucks must move forward


The commercial truck industry is one of America’s strongest job sectors and is often called the most recession-proof sector of the national workforce. The reason is because commercial trucks are in high demand, and even when times get tough, the work of a truck continues to be needed.

An example high commercial truck demand during tough times recently came in the upper Midwest when emergency waivers were issued for some trucks. In Iowa, Gov. Terry Branstadi announced 60-day waivers that lift the hours-of-service requirements in an effort to get more hay and straw into his drought-stricken state. The waiver also allows for trucks with certain shipments to be over width requirements without having to obtain a state permit.

A similar waiver was issued in Wisconsin this summer when Gov. Scott Walker lifted oversize and overweight fees for hay trucks. Like Iowa, Wisconsin is struggling with a major drought and commercial trucks are playing an important role in shipping much needed supplies and shipments into the state to help farmers battle the drought conditions.

Michigan Gov. Rick Synder began a suspension of hours-of-service requirements for fuel trucks as the state deals with a fuel shortage.

These situations highlight the important role commercial trucks play, especially during times of emergency and crisis. Unlike airplanes and trains, commercial trucks are flexible enough to take shipments to almost every corner of the country and even without droughts and fuel shortages, the commercial truck industry has been one of the most in demand industries, which means the demand for professionally trained truck drivers is also high across the country.

The commercial truck industry has been expiring rapid growth for the past few years and the future looks even brighter. Even before the economy began to show signs of improvement, the commercial trucking industry was already growing. Now that sectors like manufacturing and construction are starting to slowly grow, the truck industry is experiencing even more growth. The growth in the commercial trucking industry is causing many truck carriers to hire thousands of new drivers every month, but it is professionally trained drivers who are in the highest demand by carriers desperate to find more drivers.

Diesel Driving Academy offers a CDL training program that is helping job seekers start a long-term career as a professional commercial truck driver, which is especially needed in today’s era of high unemployment. Carriers all across the country are experiencing a shortage of qualified drivers, which makes professional training from a respected school like Diesel Driving Academy the logical first step in getting work in this growing industry.

If you are looking for a new job then the commercial truck industry might be the right fit for you.

Companies that Hire our Drivers